Hitler's War for Windows

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Here is a brief description of how to setup a network game.
This text is taken from the readme.txt file which is part of the download.

To start a network game, one player will need to act as the server and 1 or 2 other
players as the clients. The server player will need to inform the other players of the
IP address of his PC. 

Run the game.
Click on "Start Network Game".
Wait for client(s) to connect.
Enter your handle (optional).
Choose which scenario or load a previously saved game.
Choose which side.
Select the "GO" button when ready.
The START button appears when everyone has pressed "GO".
Press the START button to start the game.

Run the game.
Click on "Join Network Game".
Wait for connection.
Enter your handle (optional).
Choose which side.
Select the "GO" button when ready.

If there are only 2 players and a scenario involving the Allies is selected,
then the side choosing the Allies or the USSR will automatically get to play
both the Allies and the USSR.

EMail: jonathanfmcc@gmail.com